Your hobby profit and loss situation may be your tightly-held secret, but the IRS knows how to get into your business. Literally! The more secret…
If you think you’ve been overpaying IRS business taxes, do you really plan to keep doing that? Actually, I’m curious as to how you came up with the…
Deciding to file jointly or separately has a few new considerations for the 2018 tax year. Some couples believe there are no secrets, including…
Working under the table or paying someone under the table is “unreported employment” usually paid in cash since it’s harder to trace. According…
No more child tax credit exemption and a zero percent tax bracket? How do these work together to make the perfect business and individual tax…
Count on it. IRS red flag outliers trigger audits This new wave of IRS red flags, or “outliers” is the buzzword for items outside the norms of…
Cost segregation of commercial real estate provides a business owner with tremendous tax advantages when purchasing or constructing a building.…
“Last Will and Testament of…” Words family members never want to hear can become even more traumatizing during a time of heartbreaking loss when…
GoFundMe donations for your favorite charity can be a great way to share your birthday cheer and excitement. You can even ask your friends to make…
The IRS targets passports, that’s been possible for years, but the level of concern and anxiety has increased. It’s in the news again, something has…